ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 10, 2014) How many diapers does a baby go through in one day and when was the last time you kept track?
For moms who count every penny, sometimes a diaper or two has to last an entire day–food stamps don’t cover this basic necessity.
MOMS Club of Rockwall organized its first ever Diaper Drive in October 2014 and they were able to collect and donate 1,600 diapers and 25 packs of baby wipes for the transition program at Boles Children’s Home. These are mothers and children living with the most basic of needs, every bit helps.
Vincent Duran, Campus Director of Boles Children’s Home, met with MOMS Club ambassador Stella Spagnolo during a luncheon in November. He was full of praise for the efforts.
“We are so very grateful for the donation, as it is a regular need in our facility,” he said.
For more information about Boles Children’s Home visit www.armsofhope.com. For more information about MOMS Club of Rockwall, visit www.MOMSclubofrockwall.org.
Submitted by Gabrielle Cullen, Rockwall MOMS Club.
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