(ROCKWALL, TX – May 5, 2015) A larger-than-life-sized statue of former Republican Congressman Ralph M. Hall was unveiled Sunday, May 3, at the Rockwall County Courthouse. Below are a few photos from the unveiling — and just added — our follow-up story from the event:
Former Republican Congressman Ralph Hall received quite the birthday present when he turned 92 years old on Sunday, May 3: a larger-than-life statue set inside the Rockwall County Courthouse of the man known simply as “The Congressman.”
Hall’s supporters, family members and loved ones packed the outside of the courthouse and sang to the Rockwall-Heath High School Jazz Band’s performance of “Happy Birthday” as Hall made his appearance. In his short but appreciative and humbled address to the crowd, the former Congressman much of the state of Texas has known and loved throughout his 34 years in Congress spoke very graciously of the folks present at the event.
“I want to thank all of you for letting me serve as long as I served,” Hall said. “You aren’t here by accident. You’re here because you’re my friends.”
The event included around an hour’s worth of speeches made by several of Hall’s dearest friends and co-workers, including former Texas Lieutenant Governor Ben Barnes, Rep. Joe Barton, R-Arlington, former astronaut and the last person to set foot on the moon Gene Cernan, and Dewayne Cain, who co-chaired the two-year effort to have the statue built.
The statue, cast in bronze, was created by award-winning artist Robert “Bob” Summers, whose other works include Tom Landry, John Wayne, Byron Nelson and The Trail Drive at Pioneer Plaza in Dallas. Mr. Summers is a native Texan whose studio is located in Glen Rose, TX. His works have been showcased in newspapers and periodicals world-wide, including Texas Highways, and National Geographic.
Those in attendance Sunday were among the first in the county to get an up close and personal view of the magnificent work of art made possible by the project’s numerous sustainers, benefactors, donors, patrons and sponsors.
Cain said he will always know Hall as a mentor, a father figure and a friend, but every time he looks at Summers’ sculpture of Hall he “will remember a statesman.”
Funded strictly by donations from the Congressman’s many friends and supporters, and approved by the Rockwall County Commissioners at no cost to the county, the statue pays tribute to Congressman Hall’s lifetime of public service to the State of Texas, the 4th Congressional District, and especially to Rockwall County.
Photos by Austin Wells, Blue Ribbon News.

For more information on the project, email to RMHStatueProject@yahoo.com.
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