(ROCKWALL, TX – Sept. 20, 2018) The color purple has historically been associated with nobility, but for property owners it takes on a different meaning. Purple paint on fences, trees, or posts indicate NO TRESPASSING.
The state of Texas provides detailed information on no trespassing laws in it Penal Code: Title 7 Chapter 30. A criminal trespass is defined as a person entering or remaining on or in property without “effective consent”. To be considered as trespassing there must be verbal or written notice. Such notice can be given for unfenced areas by a sign or by purple paint provided that the marks are : vertical lines; 8 inches or longer, and at least 1 inch or wider. Paint markings must be no less than 3 feet above the ground and no more than 5 feet from the ground. Markings should be located in areas that are readily visible to anyone approaching the property and no more than 100 feet apart on forested land or 1,000 feet apart on open land. There is no specific shade of purple required. Any noticeable shade of purple will work. Many landowners are applying it to fenced areas as well.
As Rockwall County becomes more populated, these markings and No Trespassing signs will become more significant. Take time to understand the rules and ordinance codes for the areas in which you live. Take time to share it with your youngsters and teenagers. It will make life better for everyone.
Submitted by Todd Williams, Rockwall County Extension Agent, for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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