(ROCKWALL, TX – Nov. 5, 2019) Registration is underway through 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 25 for the Kiwanis Club of Rockwall County’s 50th Annual Christmas Parade.
“This year’s theme is “Golden Christmas Memories,” to highlight the parade’s milestone anniversary,” said Gunnar Ledermann, Kiwanis President. The parade will kick off at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 7.
To register, complete and return this registration form before the Nov. 25 deadline.
As in year’s past, parade organizers request that there be NO guns, NO Santas, NO throwing candy from floats. Marchers may, however, pass out candy.
Judging will begin at 8 a.m. for floats lined up. Specific instructions (including assigned position in the parade) will be mailed to the address you provide upon registration. Individual/group entries are $20. Commercial entries are $50.
For more information about the parade, visit www.rockwallkiwanis.org or call 972-722-6001.
The Kiwanis Club of Rockwall meets Tuesdays at noon at the Divine Peace Church, 305 S. Fannin Street, near downtown Rockwall. The club comprises service-minded men and women who respond to the unique needs of our community by serving our children.
WATCH OUR #RockwallLive VIDEO of the 2018 PARADE HERE >> https://www.facebook.com/BlueRibbonNews/videos/1588510817962151/
Blue Ribbon News plans to be live on the scene again this year to record the parade for those who are unable to make it in person.
By Dawn Redig, Blue Ribbon News.
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