ROCKWALL, TX (Oct. 1, 2021) Rain or shine – when visiting Rib Rub in Downtown Rockwall tomorrow, be on the lookout for The Mustache Gang selling lemonade, bubblegum, and snacks for Team Gleason, an ALS charitable organization.
The Mustache Gang is a local initiative created by Reinhardt Elementary students that began when two young boys, Cooper and Harris Campbell, decided they wanted to open a lemonade and bubblegum stand. Their idea quickly grew into something more – and with great purpose.
The Mustache Gang’s mission is to sell lemonade and snacks to raise money for different charitable causes, donating 50% of the net proceeds for each event to their designated charity of that month or event. Each pop-up stand may focus on a different charity and will be promoted at that time.
“We realized we had so many reasons to give to different charities. After all, Mom and Dad met through a philanthropic organization, Team in Training, that raises money for Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Both grandmothers passed away from Alzheimer’s. We lost a grandfather to lung cancer. One of our grandmothers has had two different lung cancers as well as brain cancer. A best friend with ALS. So many more friends and family that have fought so many harsh diseases,” the Campbell family shared.
“We ‘mustache’ you to help us.”
In honor of their friend Darci, the first beneficiary is Team Gleason, which is committed to improving the lives of people living with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by delivering innovative technology and equipment, as well as providing and empowering improved life experience.
Darci’s Story
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is a progressive neurological disease that causes motor neurons to die off, causing muscle weakness and eventually the inability to move the muscles at all. Right now ALS is considered incurable and terminal.
I was diagnosed with ALS in May of 2018, at the age of 38. My symptoms started with weakness and muscle atrophy in my right hand. Now, at age 41, both hands are affected, and I have general muscle weakness throughout my whole body. Most recently, my upper legs and core are weakening. I need assistance and assistive aids for some daily tasks. Prior to diagnosis, I was healthy and active, playing soccer, teaching PE, and running half marathons. I am married and have a 13 year old son. We live in the suburbs of Houston, TX.
When asked me which ALS organizations to support, Team Gleason was at the top of my list. Started by former NFL player Steve Gleason, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2011, their mission is “to improve life for people living with ALS by delivering innovative technology and equipment, as well as providing and empowering an improved life experience.” (taken from
Team Gleason assists PALS (persons with ALS) with communication devices, home automation, equipment, and much more. They also provide PALS and their families with “adventures” and vacations.
I personally have Team Gleason to thank for my portable power wheelchair, which I received free of charge. I have also “banked” my voice (to use with a communication device in the future) with technology supported by Team Gleason. Having this organization to help ease some of the financial burden to me and my family, while providing us with equipment and ongoing assistance, is such a blessing.
Thank you for your support!
Darci Garcia
Blue Ribbon News staff report. Submitted photos.
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