Tools to fill your toolbox for life
ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 7, 2022) There almost isn’t a day that goes by where we don’t hear something about mental health. Whether we see an advertisement, a video or meme on social media, receive a diagnosis or hear a news story about some horrific event, it seems we are plagued with mental health issues– everywhere we turn.
If you happen to have a family member, or be a person who is adversely affected in your mental health, then this is a topic you know all too well. And, if you are like those of us who can check that box, you see and hear mental health messages everywhere.
For those who have a family member who is struggling, the pain of that journey is right on the surface of every part of life. For those struggling, you’ve often tried everything and don’t know what else to do. So then, what would another piece on mental health and counseling do for you? What else could I provide that others have not already tried? How, after all the “noise” on the subject, can my words help?
To those questions, I say this: relationship. We may never meet in person but I have been thinking about you for several weeks. I have been thinking, and praying, and researching, and wondering… how can I help the people of my community with the hard stuff of life? And, how can I do that well in a weekly column?
I believe the answer is found in the word ‘relationship.’ Most mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, chronic grief, and others are exacerbated in isolation. We hurt so much, we turn inward. We clam up. Or, we run away and hide. That is how we are designed. We turn inward to provide protection for ourselves because our brain is a muscle and it does what it’s told to do: ‘Danger! Danger! Turn in, protect yourself, stay away from those who might cause harm!’
The problem is, that the antidote to many of our mental health problems is that we actually need to override the brain and stay connected. We need to talk to someone. We need to reach out to someone and for someone to reach back…We need relationship.
So that is my goal when I reach out each week– to build a relationship. I will do so with care and intentional content providing you with resources and things to think about as you journey through this thing called life. Sometimes the concepts I provide will be things you can try. Sometimes they will be deeper thoughts that you could process through. It might be a bit of the things I have learned through the years. It might be a story to encourage you along the way. What this will definitely be is us, like two old friends (one just happens to know a little bit about counsel and care) sitting on the porch on a calm afternoon, just talking our worries away.
So why me? Well, we don’t need to get into my background since space is limited, but let’s just say I spend my days caring for people and I have learned a thing or two about life, love, the brain and the body. This column is aptly named for those reasons: Life Lessons. The tag line could read – learning vicariously to live better.
You see, I have had the honor of working with people at their most vulnerable and broken points of life. Seeing, first hand, what works for those who struggle with mental health or relationship issues, watching people become resilient and courageous as they overcome their battles has given me a direct view into what might help others, namely… you. So as we go, I will share bits and pieces of the lessons I have learned, we will call them tools to fill your toolbox for life, and you can employ or share them anyway you choose.
This is not a stand in for professional help. I encourage you to seek help if you need it. This community is rich with highly qualified counselors, psychologists, life coaches, pastoral care and therapists. Reach out to someone if you think you might need more than our time together can provide. Don’t be afraid to get the help you deserve. And until we meet again, I bid you a beautiful week and to keep on working at it. I promise you, one step at a time, we will get there.
Erin Kincaid is the Founder and Clinical Director of Rockwall Heath Counseling. She holds a host of degrees in Psychology, Christian Counseling, Anthropology and is working toward her PhD in Clinical Counseling. Erin lives in Rockwall with her husband and son. Look for more of her guest columns to come at
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