Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Resources for Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Resources for Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Rockwall, TX (September 17, 2024) – Last week, I was asked to participate in a suicide awareness and prevention event. My role was to contribute to one of the program’s events. The evening was filled with songs, presentations on various awareness resources, and a proclamation read aloud by city and county leadership. It was a […]

The Silent Struggle: Men’s Mental Health and the Importance of Destigmatization

The Silent Struggle: Men’s Mental Health and the Importance of Destigmatization

Rockwall, TX (December 11, 2023) – Is it me? Am I not enough for you? Is it the children? Our marriage? Your job? From an outsider’s perspective, everything appears status quo, so why is your spouse unhappy? Our society dictates rigid expectations for masculinity, offering a deeply ingrained notion that vulnerability is a sign of […]

Life Lessons with Erin Kincaid: Pattern Interrupt

Life Lessons with Erin Kincaid: Pattern Interrupt

ROCKWALL, TX (May 17, 2023) May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Scour the internet and you will find endless memes, motivational bits and pieces on how to live your best life and how to identify and grow to your best you by addressing mental health issues. I thought I’d take a helicopter view and share […]

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Seasonal depression? Light up your world and ‘luft’

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Seasonal depression? Light up your world and ‘luft’

ROCKWALL, TX (Feb. 27, 2023) Once, while living in Germany many years ago, we entered into the gray sky season where we did not see the sun for over three months. Seasonal depression ran rampant and my husband and I, me from sunny Southern California and him raised in and under the warm skies of […]

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: New Year, New View

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: New Year, New View

ROCKWALL, TX (Jan. 16, 2023) It’s that time of year; The occasion that causes more division and argument than any other – the Season of Resolutions. To resolve or not to resolve – that is the question! Visit any social media platform, or begin to tell just about anyone anywhere what your take on the […]

‘Mental Health First Aid’ webinar for caregivers set for Jan. 31

‘Mental Health First Aid’ webinar for caregivers set for Jan. 31

ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (Dec. 28, 2022) The North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging will host a webinar/online course called ‘Mental Health First Aid,’ funded in part, by Texas Health and Human Services. The online course is designed for caregivers, professionals and family members, and will be offered from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, […]

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Narcissism and Flying Monkeys

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Narcissism and Flying Monkeys

ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 19, 2022)- Many of us have difficult people in our lives. Some of us have people who take the word difficult to an entirely new level. In this conversation, we are going to focus on the narcissists in our midst. I’ve learned more about this personality from a local Professional Counselor who is […]

Introducing ‘Life Lessons’ by Erin Kincaid

Introducing ‘Life Lessons’ by Erin Kincaid

Tools to fill your toolbox for life ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 7, 2022) There almost isn’t a day that goes by where we don’t hear something about mental health. Whether we see an advertisement,  a video or meme on social media, receive a diagnosis or hear a news story about some horrific event, it seems we […]