40 Years of Service: Women in Need looks forward to bright future

40 Years of Service: Women in Need looks forward to bright future

ROCKWALL, TX (Feb. 5, 2024) This last year marked Women In Need’s 40th anniversary. Serving Rockwall, Hunt, and Rains counties, WIN is celebrating a milestone year of remarkable growth and deepening impact in aiding victims of domestic abuse. Under revitalized leadership, the organization is sustaining its vital services and expanding them to address the evolving needs of the community.

Since its inception in the early 1980s, WIN has steadfastly pursued its mission to empower victims of domestic abuse into survivors. This year, the organization has provided a safe and nurturing refuge to 64 residential families, including 72 children, evidencing its commitment to creating a secure environment for those in need.

Beyond its residential support, WIN has positively influenced the lives of 586 non-residential families seeking help. This extensive reach underscores WIN’s indispensable role in the community.

With WIN’s comprehensive services, including shelter, legal advocacy, and support groups, the clients embark on a journey toward rebuilding their lives in a safer, violence-free environment.

The Rockwall County Commissioner’s Court recently proclaimed the month of February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Courtesy photo.

Initially established as an emergency shelter for abused women and children, WIN’s Greenville facility continues its mission, serving and sheltering up to 40 women and children. The shelter is more than a temporary refuge; it’s a starting point for survivors to establish new, independent lives.

WIN has expanded its services to include strong legal advocacy, addressing vital needs like protective orders, divorce, and child custody. This comprehensive approach is instrumental in securing survivors’ long-term safety and stability.

This last year, WIN has entered a transformative phase with a key change in leadership; the organization steadfastly upholds its core values of compassion, integrity, and humility. These fundamental values, championed by our new and dedicated leaders, continue to enhance WIN’s impact within the community significantly. In this new era, WIN’s unwavering commitment to offering hope and safety is more resolute than ever, ensuring a legacy of support and empowerment endures.

For tickets visit https://winintx.harnessgiving.org/events/371

For assistance, more information, or to support Women In Need, visit www.wintexas.org or contact the 24-hour hotline at (903) 454-HELP (4357).

Sponsored content by Women in Need. Blue Ribbon News is a proud Media Sponsor of WIN’s Chocolate Indulgence event.