Changes to city of Heath’s brush collection services

New contract with IESI includes enhanced service The Heath City Council approved a new contract with IESI Solid Waste Services during the Dec. 20 Council meeting that will increase the frequency of brush collection without a rate increase to residential customers. Beginning Monday, Feb. 1, IESI will pick up brush twice a month, instead of […]

Princess & Papa Wonderland Ball, Feb. 4 at Hilton Bella Harbor

(Rockwall) Fathers and daughters will dance the night away at the Princess & Papa Wonderland Ball from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4 at the Hilton Bella Harbor, 2055 Summer Lee Drive in Rockwall. Along with dancing to the music of professional DJ David Allen, daddies and their daughters, ages 2 to 12, will […]

Heath Mayor Ratcliffe not seeking re-election in May

(Heath, Jan. 31, 2012) Mayor John Ratcliffe announced today that he will not seek re-election after his fourth term ends in May. Mayor Ratcliffe was first elected Mayor of Heath in May 2004, winning nearly 70 percent of the vote in a three-way contested race. Ratcliffe was re-elected without opposition in 2006, 2008 and 2010. […]

Mayoral proclamation recognizes Rockwall Rotary Mentoring, names National Mentoring Day

Mayoral proclamation recognizes Rockwall Rotary Mentoring, names National Mentoring Day

‘First a Reader, then a Leader’ In a recent meeting of the Rockwall Rotary Club, Mayor David Sweet presented Barbara Allan, Chairman of Rockwall Rotary Mentoring, with a proclamation declaring Jan. 26 “National Mentoring Day.” The proclamation encouraged all citizens to applaud Rockwall Rotarians, the Rockwall ISD and community-wide mentors who graciously give of their […]

Rockwall ISD to host Multi-Cultural Celebration

Rockwall ISD to host Multi-Cultural Celebration

Rockwall ISD will host its 2nd annual Multi-Cultural Celebration at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9 in the Rockwall-Heath High School Performing Arts Center, located at 801 Laurence Drive in Heath. The event celebrates the many cultures represented in a student body of nearly 14,000 students. Last year, the first-ever RISD Multi-Cultural Celebration featured student artwork, […]

Carolyn Duckworth: promoting historic preservation, patriotism

Blue Ribbon News ‘Good People’ shines spotlight on local leader Meet Carolyn Cooksey Duckworth, a Rockwall resident since 1972, who serves as Regent of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Rock Wall Chapter. Carolyn is third generation member of NSDAR, a member since 1967.  Her continued leadership helps to promote DAR’s mission of […]

Rockwall schools welcome children’s author Kate Klise

Rockwall schools welcome children’s author Kate Klise

Nationally known award-winning children’s author Kate Klise visited Rockwall Jan. 19 and 20 to give programs at four area schools:  Dobbs, Springer, Reinhardt, and Hayes elementaries. Klise’s very popular 43 Old Cemetery Road books have recently been featured on the Texas Bluebonnet Award masterlist of nominated books.   Submitted by Norma Terrell, Rockwall ISD. To submit […]

Friday Study Club hosts annual business meeting

Friday Study Club hosts annual business meeting

The Friday Study Club, organized in 1919 and recognized as Rockwall’s oldest women’s club, recently met for its annual business meeting at the home of JoAnn Loftis (left). Co-hostesses pictured are (from left) Carolyn Cullins and Nita Walker. The Friday Study Club actively supports Terrell State Hospital and the Rockwall County Library. Submitted by Carolyn […]

‘Rockwall’s Got Talent’ finals Friday, Jan. 27

‘Rockwall’s Got Talent’ finals Friday, Jan. 27

Tickets are on sale for the Rockwall Community Playhouse’s annual competition and fundraising event, Rockwall’s Got Talent. Semi-finals were 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20; finals will be 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27 – both at Utley Middle School, 1201 Townsend Drive in Rockwall. The first place winner will receive $1,000, awarded by Community Bank. The second place winner takes $500, […]

Patriot Paws service dog earns award as best companion

Patriot Paws service dog earns award as best companion

This yellow Lab named Justice was recently named Companion Animal of the Year after being inducted into the Texas Animal Hall of Fame by the Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation. Trained by Patriot Pawsin Rockwall, Justice is a service dog who assists Iraq war veteran Brian Field, who lost both lower legs during his deployment in […]