Rockwall, TX (June 3, 2024) – I recently attended a funeral where friends and family gave their respect to a fallen friend and family member. While there, I wondered if any of the participants had ever been part of a funeral for a military person? The rendering of military funeral honors is a way to […]
Rockwall, TX (March 18, 2024) – Sometimes it makes a little sense to just stop and look around to see what we and our neighbors are subjected to on an almost daily basis. While the column this week is in no way an attempt to compete with Dave Lieber of the Dallas Morning News, its […]
Rockwall, TX (October 16, 2023) – This article was first published in December of 2009 and then again in 2020. It is being repeated at the request of numerous readers. Anyone who spent any time in Vietnam, especially around the Danang area, knew of “Monkey Mountain”. It was one of several spindly shafts of rock […]
Rockwall, TX (July 12, 2023) – I recently published an article discussing the introduction of a new recruit into the Army and several readers have asked that I write some more weekly articles about the military. Let’s first look at an Air Force subject. In 1955, the US Air Force introduced its new strategic bomber, […]
ROCKWALL, TX (July 11, 2022) How many times have you said or heard the expression “It’s sure not like it was in the good old days”? Do you really remember those days? (If under 50, you may not even relate to some of the things described in this article.) Back in those days, being a […]