Amy Parks-Heath celebrates Texas Week

Amy Parks-Heath celebrates Texas Week

(HEATH, TX — October 10, 2017) Amy Parks-Heath Elementary celebrated “Texas Week” with their traditional Bluebonnet Stomp on Thursday, Oct. 5. Students proudly wore their school shirts with western wear and gathered to sing songs about Texas and “stomp” bluebonnet seeds into the ground.  The older students even provided fun entertainment by performing traditional line […]

Students stomp bluebonnets at Amy Parks-Heath Elementary

ROCKWALL/HEATH, TX (October 2, 2014) If the turnout at the inaugural Bluebonnet Stomp at Amy Parks-Heath Elementary School is any indication of things to come, wildflowers will be blooming and a new tradition will have taken hold in the community. “It was just such a relaxed and spontaneous event and I know when those bluebonnets […]