Location change for Heath Town Hall Meeting on Water, Drought

HEATH, TX (Feb. 12, 2015) Residents are encouraged to attend the Heath Town Hall Meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 19 — which has been moved to the Cain Middle School Cafeteria.  The City of Dallas Water Utilities Department will present information regarding the drought and Lake Ray Hubbard conditions. For more information, contact the […]

Heath Town Hall Meeting to include Water, Drought Update

HEATH, TX (Jan. 26, 2015) Residents are encouraged to attend the Heath Town Hall Meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 19 in the Community Room at City Hall. The City of Dallas Water Utilities Department will present information regarding the drought and Lake Ray Hubbard conditions. For more information, contact the City of Heath at […]

City permits required for home improvement projects, including fences

HEATH, TX (Jan. 26, 2015) With spring right around the corner, it’s a great time to start all those exciting and fun home improvement projects. City of Heath residents are reminded that permits are required any time you or your contractor constructs, repairs, alters, erects, enlarges, converts, installs or replaces an existing building or its […]

Community welcome at CVS Grand Opening in Heath Saturday

HEATH, TX (Jan. 8, 2015) The City of Heath and Heath Economic Development Corporation invite everyone to welcome CVS to the community during the Grand Opening event at 10 a.m. Saturday, January 10. Mayor Lorne Liechty will offer a brief welcoming statement, and there will also be face painting, a balloon artists and other goodies for […]

VIDEO: Highlights of 2014 in the City of Heath

VIDEO: Highlights of 2014 in the City of Heath

HEATH, TX (Dec. 26, 2014) Mayor Lorne Liecthy and City Councilmembers review highlights of 2014 in the City of Heath, Texas – preserving community, seizing opportunity, being thankful to those that serve and guiding the future of the city… To share your good news and events, email . Please click here to LIKE our Facebook […]

City of Heath honors staff, names Employee of the Year

HEATH, TX (Dec. 18, 2014) The City of Heath recently honored employees for their outstanding performance in 2014, including Kristi Smith, who was named Employee of the Year. Departmental Employees of the Year were also recognized and include Jennifer Colombo, Administrative Services; Leisa Price, Public Works; and Officer Cody Whaley, Public Safety. The employees chosen […]

Heath City Councilmember Rich Krause earns Leadership Fellow Distinction

HEATH, TX (August 25, 2014) Heath City Councilmember Rich Krause was one of 60 elected or appointed City officials from around the state who was named a Leadership Fellow of the Texas Municipal League during an awards ceremony in Austin on August 22. Councilman Krause became a Leadership Fellow upon completing an extensive leadership development […]

Heath Mayor’s Message: City of Heath construction projects update

HEATH, TX. (July 21, 2014) During 2013, the City Council and City Staff spent a significant amount of time developing, with citizen input, a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) that included more than $20 million in projects to benefit the entire community. The CIP was adopted by Council in January 2014; and bonds were issued in […]