The Bronze Pole and the Greater Cure

The Bronze Pole and the Greater Cure

ROCKWALL, TX – April 15, 2022 — A woman who approached our dinner table shocked our small church group. Someone asked her, “How much weight did you lose?” “Fifty pounds,” the woman replied with no enthusiasm. This poor soul had suffered the harsh effects of a deadly superbug. Her cure was harsh as well: high-power […]

Patti Richter, On Faith: Night and Day of the Zombies

ROCKWALL, TX – October 8, 2020 — We sat on the floor hugging our knees to our chest for protection, wide-eyed at the scene before us. Several people with the same ghastly appearance stumbled forward— not in living color but in half-dead black and white. That was my first encounter with zombies, when Mom allowed […]

Patti Richter, On Faith: Faithfully Minding Our Ps and Qs

Patti Richter, On Faith: Faithfully Minding Our Ps and Qs

ROCKWALL, TX – August 24, 2020 — The wheels on the bus go round and round after nearly six months of sheltering in place. Two of my grandchildren – sporting colorful new masks – are hopping aboard. Attending school may well become the most notable event of Fall 2020. To open or not to open? […]

The Town and Country Church Mice

The Town and Country Church Mice

(ROCKWALL, TX — July 9, 2019) The beautiful church on a wooded hillside is only two country miles down the road. We’ve quickly warmed to the friendly congregation and their down-to-earth pastor who’s over sixty, like us. My husband and I appreciate the traditional worship service, although we’re less fond of the song selections, which […]

Resolving Our Spiritual Disconnect

Resolving Our Spiritual Disconnect

(ROCKWALL, TX — September 28, 2018) You know you have a problem when Amazon can’t find your house.  But we were not surprised. Our new street address does not yet appear via GPS (Global Positioning System), so we try to guide people in by phone. “You’re getting close,” I said to one exasperated deliveryman. “Just […]