Rockwall County Newcomers & Friends plans final two lunches of their year

Rockwall County Newcomers & Friends plans final two lunches of their year

Rockwall, TX (March 10, 2025) – Rockwall County Newcomers and Friends will host two lunches to close out their year. The lunches, scheduled for April 10 and May 8, are followed by a summer break with their new year beginning in September. The social organization welcomes all Rockwall County residents to attend. You may RSVP […]

Newcomers entertained by Rockwall Summer Musicals guests

 (ROCKWALL-May 13, 2013) Rockwall County Newcomers and Friends were entertained at their May 9th meeting by representatives of Rockwall Summer Musicals, Barbara Doudt, director and Lucy Ragsdale, 8th grade student at Utley Middle School. Vocal numbers from well-known musical productions were performed and the Newcomers were lead in a sing-a-long.  The Summer Musicals this season […]