Rockwall County Historical Foundation to host trivia contest

ROCKWALL, TX (September 23, 2014) The Rockwall County Historical Foundation will host a “Blast to the Past” Trivia Contest at 6 p.m. Thursday, November 20 at the Rockwall High School Cafeteria. The RCHF Fall FUNdraising event is sponsored by American National Bank, Chick-Fil-A and Chilton Industries. Trivia topics include Agrarian Heritage, Municipal Progress and Lake Lore. […]

Rockwall Historical Foundation to host Night at the Museum

Rockwall Historical Foundation to host Night at the Museum

Historical Foundation welcomes new curator  ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (September 6, 2014) Have you ever wanted to tour a museum after hours like in the movies?  Here is your chance to see what happens after dark. As the sun goes down Thursday, September 18, the Rockwall County Historical Foundation will open the doors of The Museum […]

Historical Foundation reflects on Rockwall County, plans final Brown Bag program

ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (May 4, 2014) Rockwall County Historical Foundation’s  April Brown Bag program, Reflections of Rockwall County, presented by Justice of the Peace Nancy Beaty and Assistant DA Craig Stoddard,  was both informative and entertaining.  The past and the present were compared through the use of old record books and tales of the way […]

Historical Foundation presents Stories from Rockwall County

ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (April 7, 2014) Stories from Rockwall County will be the topic of the Rockwall County Historical Foundation’s Brown Bag lecture from 11 a.m. to noon Friday, April 11. Nancy Beaty, serving as Justice of the Peace for Pct. 2, will present a program contrasting the differing duties of the JP today with duties […]

Rockwall County Historical Foundation announces 2014 Brown Bag Lecture Series

ROCKWALL COUNTY (January 30, 2014) Rockwall County Historical Foundation announces the current schedule for their popular Brown Bag lectures, held on the second Friday of the month in the downtown, historic Courthouse. The meetings are from noon to 1 pm and are free and open to the public.  Please join with others who are interested […]

Rockwall High Student Council members decorate downtown courthouse

Rockwall High Student Council members decorate downtown courthouse

ROCKWALL (November 25, 2013) Members of Rockwall High School Student Council, under the supervision of teacher, Michelle Morris, assist Rockwall County Historical Foundation members in decorating the historic, downtown Courthouse for the annual Tis Christmas Time event scheduled for Tuesday, December 3 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Santa and Mrs. Claus will receive guests with Christmas wishes […]

Talking Tombstones: Rockwall area history comes to life

Talking Tombstones: Rockwall area history comes to life

(ROCKWALL COUNTY – October 8, 2013)  The popular Rockwall County Historical Foundation October topic, Talking Tombstones, will be presented at noon Friday, October 11 at the historic downtown courthouse. Presenters will be Gary and Mindy Lovell, longtime residents of McLendon Chisholm, who will share a history of Chisholm Cemetery and Harrison D. Howell and Angelina […]

Rockwall County Historical Foundation to create community deck of playing cards

(ROCKWALL COUNTY-Sept 13, 2013) The Rockwall County Historical Foundation is working to create a deck of playing cards that will feature unique historical photos and educational facts about Rockwall County on the face of each card.  This deck offers a fantastic opportunity for the community to get involved. All 56 of the card faces may […]

Rockwall remembers

(ROCKWALL-May 13, 2013) The May presentation of Rockwall County Historical Foundation’s popular Brown Bag Lecture Series was entitled Rockwall Remembrances and Recollections. LaVern and Charles Falls entertained those attending with pictures and personal accounts of life in Rockwall in the 50’s.  The Falls purchased the Rockwall Ice House and Charles supplied blocks of  ice for […]