Congrats to Rockwall Citizen’s Fire Academy graduates

(June 8, 2015) ROCKWALL, TX. A special congratulations to the Class of 2015 graduates of the Rockwall Citizen’s Fire Academy. Fire Academy participants were given an insider’s look at firefighter training involving structural firefighting, fire investigations, and fire prevention, plus hands-on experience in emergency operations. This years graduates are:  Mackenzie Hudson, Kelsey Boyd, Jade Brown, Christian […]

Firehouse Subs heats up Rockwall Fire Department with donation

Firehouse Subs heats up Rockwall Fire Department with donation

Serving subs, saving lives with special event Oct 23 Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation is awarding more than $4,300 worth much needed educational materials to the Rockwall Fire Department. Join them for an demonstration and celebration at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 23 at Firehouse Subs Restaurant, 1607 E. Interstate 30 in Rockwall. Attendees include local […]

Rockwall Fire Dept’s Sparky visits Jones Elementary

Rockwall Fire Dept’s Sparky visits Jones Elementary

(ROCKWALL – October 15, 2013) Emma Downum, a third grader at Jones elementary, thanks Sparky of the Rockwall Fire Department for visiting with students. Firefighters discussed fire and life safety messages with students during their visits with local elementary schools in honor of Fire Prevention Week Oct. 6-12. Their message was that cooking is the […]

Rockwall firefighters to host Open House on Oct. 12

Rockwall firefighters to host Open House on Oct. 12

(Rockwall) September 26, 2013 – Stand by your pan and Keep an eye on what you fry. That’s the message from the National Fire Prevention Association for Fire Prevention Week – Prevent Kitchen Fires – Oct. 6-12 and from the Rockwall Fire Department. Rockwall firefighters will host their 10th annual Open House from 9 a.m. to […]

City of Rockwall: Public Safety Announcement

(Rockwall) August 15, 2013 – In an effort to ensure that public safety remains a top priority with the City of Rockwall, officials often partner with area agencies for better protection of residents. Recently, the Rockwall Fire Department brokered an agreement with the Rowlett Fire Department to use each other’s Emergency Operations Center in the […]

Firefighters’ Ball to benefit Devon Colbert and family

Firefighters’ Ball to benefit Devon Colbert and family

Feb 28 UPDATE: EVENT HAS BEEN SOLD OUT!! (February 4, 2013) The Rockwall Fire Department and the Garland Fire Fighters Association will host the Firefighters’ Ball, benefiting injured firefighter Devon Colbert and his family. Devon suffered a spinal cord injury in a vehicle accident in December, 2012. The evening of Dinner and Dancing for Devon […]