Connor Campbell, a sixth grader from Nebbie Williams Elementary, was recently recognized with the Rotary Student of Honor Award. Connor was chosen based on his work ethic, academic success, kindness to others, and the great volunteer work he does outside of school for his church. He was honored at the February Rotary Meeting. Mrs. Gammon, […]
(Rockwall ISD) Dobbs Elementary third graders are using the Proscope microscope and iPad to magnify and compare soil samples taken from the Rockwall area. Pictured are Arian Mehdizadegan (left) and Ethan Spearman from Beverly Dobb’s third grade class. Submitted by Norma Terrell. To submit your news and events, email .
(Rockwall ISD) Celia Hays Elementary dads sent a message of commitment to their children. They held an event where 150 dads, representing 285 students, came and listened to an inspirational message from Coach Scott Smith of Rockwall ISD about being a great father. Dads connected with each other and at the end of the night signed […]
(Rockwall ISD) Dobbs Elementary second graders have created bottle dolls to resemble the famous Americans they have been researching. Pictured with their dolls are (back row, from left) Jayden McDonald and Diego Chavez, and (front) Krista Johnson and Jessica McCoy.
Retired teacher blends passion for art and teaching into new, artsy entertainment venue Rockwall resident Shay Cronin may have retired after 30 years of teaching in the RISD, but her love of art and her passion for people has put her right back in the classroom. There are no pop quizzes or final exams, no […]
The Rockwall ISD will hold a Town Hall Meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28 in the library at Williams Middle School. The district’s Director of Safety and Security will give parents a security update during the first part of the meeting. Following the program, audience members will have an opportunity to meet in small […]
Local Rockwall County elementary schools are collecting canned food for the Helping Hands Food Pantry as part of “Student Serving Others” Day. Each elementary campus is holding a canned food drive leading up to SSO day: All collected food will go to Helping Hands. A student team (determined at your campus) will design and build […]
(Rockwall ISD) At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees on Monday, Feb. 20, two Rockwall ISD campus cafeteria managers were recognized for their efforts to successfully secure grants to start a campus-based nutrition/fitness program called Fuel Up to Play 60. Karen Siedloczek, the child nutrition manager at Virginia Reinhardt Elementary, […]
(Rockwall ISD) On Feb. 3 and 4, Williams Middle School competed in our annual UIL competition. Students from our district included the following schools: Utley, Cooper, McMillan, Burnett, and Cain; but in the end, WMS placed 1st in the 7th grade Team division, 1st place in the 8th grade Team division and, for the 7th […]
The Dallas Morning News sponsored the Rockwall County Spelling Bee on Feb. 7, 2012. The contest was open to all students in fourth through eighth grade in Rockwall County. Campus winners from Rockwall ISD elementary schools, middle schools and from HEAR (Home Education Associational Resources, Inc) participated in the event. HEAR student Sudeshna Pontula was […]