Six Rockwall ISD students to display artwork at state conference

Six Rockwall ISD students to display artwork at state conference

Lucas Mcquade, Utley Middle School ROCKWALL, TX (Sept, 27, 2024) Six Rockwall ISD art students have been selected by the Texas Art Education Association to display their artwork in the 2024-2025 TASA/TASB txEDCON Exhibition this month. Brynley Hergert, Williams Middle School Paisley Pierce, Rockwall High School The artwork will be displayed in the TAEA Student […]

Rockwall-Heath Youth & Gov’t students garner medals at State Conference

Rockwall-Heath Youth & Gov’t students garner medals at State Conference

ROCKWALL (February 6, 2014) The Rockwall-Heath High School Youth and Government Mock Legislature team had a very successful trip to Austin. The students start in August by writing bills, they debate their bills on a district level, and then they have the opportunity to present their bills at the YMCA Youth and Government State Conference. […]