Rockwall ISD Update: Board of Trustees Special Session Meeting

Rockwall ISD Update: Board of Trustees Special Session Meeting

Rockwall, TX (May 2, 2023) – Information Update Related to the 88th Texas Legislature and School Funding During the early days of the legislative session, elected officials in Austin proposed significant funding for Texas public schools due to the state’s surplus. As a result, the District has been hopeful that the state would provide a […]

Rockwall Heath High School Highsteppers Summer Mini Camp Announced

Rockwall Heath High School Highsteppers Summer Mini Camp Announced

Rockwall, TX (May 2, 2023) – The RHHS Highsteppers are hosting their 2023 Annual Summer Mini Camp! July 12-14 from 8:30am-12:30pm. Bring your incoming K-6th Graders! Register with the QR Code in the flyer and/or Email with questions. Camp fee includes a t-shirt and snack each day at camp. Each mini HighStepper will participate in […]

Rockwall Noon Rotary Celebrates Rockwall County Public Service Award Recipients

Rockwall Noon Rotary Celebrates Rockwall County Public Service Award Recipients

Rockwall, TX (April 27, 2023) – Rotary Noon Rotary President, Kevin Pate, and fellow Rotarians welcomed attendees to the Public Safety Awards luncheon on April 27. The annual event included guests, recipient family members, and visiting Rotarians all with the purpose of encouraging and recognizing our public servants for the critical role they play in […]

Rockwall High School Stingerette Showcase 2023: Elaina Glaeser

Rockwall High School Stingerette Showcase 2023: Elaina Glaeser

Rockwall, TX (April 28, 2023) – Our Senior Stingerette Showcase continues with Miss Elaina Glaeser.  Elaina is a two year member of the team, serves as the Communications Representative, and is the Reigning Rockwall High School Homecoming Queen.  She is the daughter of Kelly and the late Robert Glaeser. Elaina was the Rookie Representative for […]