Blue Ribbon News shines the spotlight on GOOD PEOPLE doing GOOD THINGS, like Frisco Aquatics coach Katy Motsinger, striving make US Olympic Trial cuts (Frisco) June 8, 2012 – Katy Motsinger, 23, will race the 100-meter backstroke event on Sunday, June 10, in the Texas Senior Circuit Series at the Mansfield Aquatic Club. She competed […]
GOOD PEOPLE: Tina Klein of Wylie, aka ‘Super Coupon Woman’ (Wylie) April 27, 2012 – Tina Klein, a single mother of three teenage daughters, has found a way to turn coupons into significant savings – not only for her own family, but for struggling families in her community and across the country. When the Wylie waitress is […]
Good People: Roberta Kirby Home is where the heart is. For Roberta Kirby, it’s also where her work is. But as the 69-year-old canine massage therapist will tell you, it’s not really work when you’re doing what you love, with the ones you love. Roberta shares several acres of farmland with her daughter and son-in-law, […]
Blue Ribbon News ‘Good People’ series shines the spotlight on Mike McWay, construction firm president who builds character, too (Dallas) The TEXO Association, the largest commercial contractors association in Texas, has appointed Mike McWay, Texas Division President of Dallas-based McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., as chairman of this year’s directorial board. McWay will manage a 26-member, volunteer board […]
Blue Ribbon News ‘Good People’ shines spotlight on local leader Meet Carolyn Cooksey Duckworth, a Rockwall resident since 1972, who serves as Regent of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Rock Wall Chapter. Carolyn is third generation member of NSDAR, a member since 1967. Her continued leadership helps to promote DAR’s mission of […]
GOOD PEOPLE: The artist behind the Blue Ribbon News Friday Funny When Donald Frederick is not busy receiving shipments at the Home Depot in Rockwall, the 42-year-old Forney resident puts his talent and good humor to work by creating a comic strip he calls “Day by Day.” Each week, the artist’s handiwork is featured at Blue […]