Urban farming workshop to cover beekeeping, raising chickens, green living

(Irving) There will be an Urban Farming Workshop from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 29 at the Senter East Building, 228 Chamberlain St. in Irving. This half-day workshop will provide participants with information about how to live sustainably in an urban setting. Topics will include organic vegetable gardening, canning and jamming, raising chickens, beekeeping, […]

Year in, year out, nothing beats Crape Myrtles

We have an abandoned home directly across the street from our house and it has been that way for a least 15 years. There is a light pink Near East Crape Myrtle in full bloom and two standard white crape myrtles, also loaded with blooms, that exist on nothing more than natural rainfall – no fertilizer, […]

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