How singing helps in language and reading development

ROCKWALL,TX. (November 11, 2014) My earliest memory of reading is singing from the Baptist hymnal.  I remember being four-and-a-half, standing next to my mother, moving my finger under each hyphenated syllable as we sang.  This was a new honor, as my mother had always done that job.  Now I could do it! I know that […]

Solving the reading aloud blues

ROCKWALL, TX. (September 29, 2014) Kitchen Scene:  Mom and Dad are getting dinner ready after a busy day.  Soccer practice is in 45 minutes.  Enter six-year-old with book. “Mom! Dad!  I have to read ten pages out loud to you tonight for homework!”  Mom and Dad look at each other and sigh.  Perhaps you have […]

Listening to ourselves with compassion

ROCKWALL,TX. (September 7, 2014) When we do something that we wished we hadn’t, we rarely give ourselves the level of forgiveness and understanding that we give to others.  If we evaluate ourselves and subsequently change our behaviors due to negative emotions– shame, embarrassment, or fear to name only a few—we are feeding self-hatred. We are […]

Communicating emotions

ROCKWALL,TX. (July 14, 2014) A long-term study of college students aimed to test their vocabularies while also asking the group to rate their level of happiness. The test subjects with the largest vocabularies declared the greatest satisfaction with their lives. For many of us the vocabulary to express emotions is limited to a few words.  […]

The heart of relationships: effective communication

June 25, 2014- To know who our children really are, we need to observe our children at work and play.  J Krishnamurti, the Indian philosopher, wrote that the highest form of human intelligence is observing without evaluating. The more I observe the more I understand Krishnamurti.  Observation and evaluation serve us best as separate activities.  […]

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