ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 28, 2022) I woke early and instead of snuggling back in till daylight, I got up; the anticipated aroma of a cup of coffee and thoughts of the first sip tickling my brain. I am sitting in the quiet now, with a crimson throw at my feet, absorbing the Christmas tree glow. […]
ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 30, 2022) We are rolling into the holidays. The garden is quiet. All has been tucked in for the long winter’s nap. Birds are still in and out of the yard at the feeders, in the holly trees, and I try to keep the birdbath filled. Small potted pines that summered over […]
ROCKWALL, TX (Oct. 27, 2022) On a sunny morning recently, I wound my way up the road to my grandson’s school. Something I greatly relish about living where we do, is we are just right over the next bump to the country. While suburbia encroaches, and I know some resent it terribly, I am grateful […]
ROCKWALL, TX (Oct. 13, 2022) We are in the glory days. The days of autumn, so eagerly awaited. Everything perks up around us. The mornings dawn cool and crisp. The sun creeps up at a new angle, the garden is shaded longer before the golden orb travels across and warms the blooms. Afternoons are toasty, […]
ROCKWALL, TX (Sept. 8, 2022) Odes to September are plentiful, the season our souls awaken, our hearts begin to warm. In September the mildness of the morning begins to linger longer, and I tend to linger longer over my coffee. Evenings, while not yet cool, allow more grace to be out in the garden, than […]
ROCKWALL, TX (Aug. 18, 2022) I was under the weather this past week, on the mend now and enjoying coffee outside in the mild early morning, with Bob Kilgore, our big black and white kitty. This malaise leaves me wanting only to be still and enjoy the peace of the garden. Blessedly, I feel no […]
ROCKWALL, TX (July 19, 2022) I wandered into the garden this morning to sit with my blank pages, not knowing what I might write. It took moments for the words to come. Please bear with me through another garden column. I try not to write about the garden incessantly, but this time of year (ok, […]
ROCKWALL, TX (July 5, 2022) Birds have a flock. Geese a gaggle. Cows a herd. I thought that hippos also gathered in herds, though I am corrected by Google. You would find a bloat of hippos, (insert giggle) and very appropriately, a tower of Giraffes. Humans have groups. Groups of friends. Circles of women. Groups […]
ROCKWALL, TX (May 17, 2022) For Ukraine, Buffalo, Laguna Woods, all the safe places that have been invaded with hatred. You are the Light of the world. There is grief and horror, ugliness beyond imagination, and men taking lives as their quest. I fear humanity is lost, dear God. We are all at fault. Lead […]
ROCKWALL, TX (May 5, 2022) Three o’clock afternoon quiet suddenly shatters in cacophony; the salvo of the storm door being yanked open, and we are bombarded by ten and six-year-olds; delirious with giggles and pokes and summer fun and armfuls of backpacks, Harry Potter blankets and the flap flap of flip flops announcing that the […]