Eastridge Church of Christ urgently asks all eligible blood donors to give in October

Eastridge Church of Christ urgently asks all eligible blood donors to give in October

Book a blood drive, save Texas patients’ lives ROCKWALL, TX (Oct. 21, 2021) – Blood donors are urgently needed to save lives in October. Even individuals who are unable to donate, though, can help save lives by sponsoring a blood drive at their house of worship, school or workplace. It is easy to plan a […]

Hundreds of volunteers from Eastridge Church of Christ offer hope, help in crisis

Hundreds of volunteers from Eastridge Church of Christ offer hope, help in crisis

(ROCKWALL, ROWLETT, TX – Jan. 5, 2016) After tornadoes swept through Rowlett and Garland the day after Christmas, they left a path of destruction in their wake. Seeing the seemingly endless debris and demolished homes can evoke a feeling of hopelessness, but community efforts have become a bright beacon of hope amidst the chaos. Many […]

Celebrate Recovery: Healing for Our Hurts, Hang-ups and Habits

ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 18, 2014) There’s at least one group in Rockwall County that won’t take a break for the Christmas holidays. In fact, this Christian fellowship is offered every Friday night of the year—52 weeks running. “Well, we did cancel for an ice storm once.” Sarah Kelly explained to me that addictions and other […]

Celebrate Recovery at Eastridge Church of Christ: A ‘Minimony’

ROCKWALL (May 5, 2014) Celebrate Recovery at Eastridge Church of Christ is a ministry for people to work on their relationship with God and others. At Celebrate Recovery, you can find healing from any hurt, habit, or hang-up. Friday nights 7pm Eastridge Church of Christ 670 Stodghill Road Rockwall, Texas 75087 celebraterecoveryrockwall.com A ‘Minimony’ Hi, my name is […]

Celebrate Recovery at Eastridge Church of Christ: A ‘Minimony’

ROCKWALL (March 16, 2014) Celebrate Recovery at Eastridge Church of Christ is a ministry for people to work on their relationship with God and others. At Celebrate Recovery, you can find healing from any hurt, habit, or hang-up. Friday nights 7pm Eastridge Church of Christ 670 Stodghill Road Rockwall, Texas 75087 celebraterecoveryrockwall.com A ‘Minimony’ “Hello, my name is […]