(March 25, 2013) It’s that time of the year, when the trees explode in the skies above Rockwall and our school children in just about all grades begin studying the wonders of our Universe. Chances are better than 50/50 that if one of your children passed through the Rockwall ISD in the past decade, they […]
August 7, 2012 – The modern world seemed to get a hitch in its giddy-up late Sunday night through early Sunday morning as mankind’s largest ever planetary explorer hurtled toward the Red Planet, Mars, at a top speed of 13,201 mph. Throughout the weekend anxiety increased as rapidly as the Mars Science Lab’s velocity to […]
Teach your children well Why are so many things seemingly falling out of space and landing on Earth? If you have not asked this question in the past, you are very likely to start asking it by the 15th of January, 2012. By this date, the failed Russian spacecraft, Phobos Grunt, will have seen its […]
NASA successfully launches Mars probe two weeks after Russian Mars mission fails This past weekend, on Nov. 26, 2011, NASA launched the Mars Science Lab (MSL) in a flawless event that propelled the automobile-sized (mini-Cooper) spacecraft on course to the Red Planet, Mars. Named “Curiosity” by sixth grader Clara Ma, who competed in a NASA JPL […]