Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Texas September

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Texas September

ROCKWALL, TX (Sept. 8, 2022) Odes to September are plentiful, the season our souls awaken, our hearts begin to warm.  In September the mildness of the morning begins to linger longer, and I tend to linger longer over my coffee.  Evenings, while not yet cool, allow more grace to be out in the garden, than […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Butterflies and Malaise

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Butterflies and Malaise

ROCKWALL, TX (Aug. 18, 2022) I was under the weather this past week, on the mend now and enjoying coffee outside in the mild early morning, with Bob Kilgore, our big black and white kitty. This malaise leaves me wanting only to be still and enjoy the peace of the garden.  Blessedly, I feel no […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Digging Quietude

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Digging Quietude

ROCKWALL, TX (July 19, 2022) I wandered into the garden this morning to sit with my blank pages, not knowing what I might write.  It took moments for the words to come. Please bear with me through another garden column.  I try not to write about the garden incessantly, but this time of year (ok, […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Summer Daze

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Summer Daze

ROCKWALL, TX (May 5, 2022) Three o’clock afternoon quiet suddenly shatters in cacophony; the salvo of the storm door being yanked open, and we are bombarded by ten and six-year-olds; delirious with giggles and pokes and summer fun and armfuls of backpacks, Harry Potter blankets and the flap flap of flip flops announcing that the […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Path of Joy

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Path of Joy

ROCKWALL, TX – April 6, 2022 — Last night it rained on Fay’s garden. The rain came in torrents, with thunder rumbles and startling cacophony of crashes. Lightening flashed in the sky so close and bright, we wondered where it had exploded. Fay’s garden stood protected this time around, the Black Eyed Susan soon to […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: One More Frost

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: One More Frost

ROCKWALL, TX – March 10, 2022 — Early March and I know better than to begin planting flowers. There will be another freeze yet. Still, sunshine and 77 degrees and my gardener’s brain spins and whirls with visions of which new beauties will go into the garden this year. Yesterday, I could not resist a […]

Kukka by Sally Kilgore: Jessamine!

ROCKWALL, TX – February 28, 2022 — February in Texas, oh fickle month.  A temperamental twenty-eight day period, faithless and unpredictable, (though, March can be nearly as capricious.)  Upon reaching February, Texans and those settlers who arrived over fifty years ago, long enough to be considered a Texan despite the scoffs of those born on […]