Rockwall County gains two new U.S. citizens

Rockwall County gains two new U.S. citizens

ROCKWALL, TX (Oct. 26, 2022) Gianni Fontanot, and his wife, Carlet Zarraga-Fontanot of Rockwall, originally from Mexico and Venezuela, recently became U.S. citizens. Gianni visited the U.S. 30 years ago on a work-related assignment. After learning more about the country, the heroes, the struggles, and the seeking of justice for all, he dreamed of becoming […]

Rep. Ratcliffe praises U.S. withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal

Rep. Ratcliffe praises U.S. withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal

(ROCKWALL, TX — May 8, 2018) Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) issued the following statement on President Trump’s announcement today that the United States will exit the Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran: “When President Obama first announced his nuclear agreement with Iran, I made it abundantly clear that I stand adamantly opposed to this bad deal […]

Rockwall Home Depot to be honored with Flag Certificate

ROCKWALL,TX. (August 12, 2014) To denote the proud flying of the American flag and ongoing support of veterans of the United States armed forces, Home Depot in Rockwall will receive a Flag Certificate from the East Fork Trinity chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution on Saturday, August 16, 2014 at 10:00 AM. Members of […]