Learn about drip irrigation at Water Wise gardening class March 21

Drip Irrigation for Your Garden ROCKWALL, TX (Feb. 26, 2015) Learn about drip irrigation and its many benefits by participating in an important Water Wise  class from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 21 at the Rockwall County Extension Office, E. 915 Whitmore St., Suite B. As we face severe water restrictions in the months […]

Earth-Kind Rose Team earns Vice Chancellor’s Award

Todd Williams, Rockwall County, recognized alongside fellow Earth-Kind Rose Team members ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (Feb. 14, 2015) The National Earth-Kind Rose Team has been honored with the Texas A&M AgriLife Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence for Collaboration. The honor was presented last month during the 2015 Vice Chancellor’s Awards in Excellence ceremony in College Station. […]

Spring Gardening class with Rockwall County Master Gardeners

ROCKWALL, TX (Jan. 15, 2015) February is the time to start planning a spring garden so that you will be ready to plant your vegetables at the right time.  The Rockwall County Master Gardeners will present a class that will focus on planning your space and how to prepare your soil and bed.  They will […]

Rockwall County Master Gardeners to host vegetable gardening classes in January

ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (Dec. 1, 2014) Classes on vegetable gardening will once again be conducted by certified local Master Gardeners. Classes will be: Saturday, January 10 – Successful Vegetable Gardening 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.  at the Rockwall County Extension Office, E. 915 Whitmore St., Suite B Cost:  $15.00 Backyard vegetable gardening is becoming a popular […]

Rockwall County Master Gardeners to host vegetable gardening classes

ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (Dec. 1, 2014) Classes on vegetable gardening will once again be conducted by certified local Master Gardeners. Classes will be: January 10 – Successful Vegetable Gardening January 17 – Seed Starting for Beginners The Master Gardener Class series has proved to be popular, so be sure and reserve your seat!  The classes are […]

Students stomp bluebonnets at Amy Parks-Heath Elementary

ROCKWALL/HEATH, TX (October 2, 2014) If the turnout at the inaugural Bluebonnet Stomp at Amy Parks-Heath Elementary School is any indication of things to come, wildflowers will be blooming and a new tradition will have taken hold in the community. “It was just such a relaxed and spontaneous event and I know when those bluebonnets […]

Secret garden serves as haven for butterflies, birds

Secret garden serves as haven for butterflies, birds

ROCKWALL/HEATH, TX (October 1, 2014) Greeted by a grand stone waterfall at the entrance, Natalie’s Butterfly Sanctuary is nestled almost secretly off FM 550. Once inside the gates of this garden, it is easy to feel transported to another world as butterflies flitter above the greenery, flowers peek out of every corner and vines hang […]

Rockwall County Master Gardeners to host Fall Plant Sale

ROCKWALL, TX (September 29, 2014) Now that the night temperatures have cooled down you can think about replacing tired summer plants with fresh, colorful flowers for bright autumn color.   The Rockwall County Master Gardeners will host a Fall Plant Sale and will offer you a variety of our favorites fresh from the greenhouse.  The sale will […]

Save your landscape for better days

UPDATE (August 5, 2014) LOCATION CHANGE! We just word that the Conference on Water Solutions described below has been moved to the County Extension Office, 915 Whitmore Ste. B, Rockwall, TX 75087.  A conference on water solutions ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX. (July 3, 2014) On Saturday August 9 from 10 – 1 pm the Rockwall County Master […]