Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Seasonal depression? Light up your world and ‘luft’

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Seasonal depression? Light up your world and ‘luft’

ROCKWALL, TX (Feb. 27, 2023) Once, while living in Germany many years ago, we entered into the gray sky season where we did not see the sun for over three months. Seasonal depression ran rampant and my husband and I, me from sunny Southern California and him raised in and under the warm skies of […]

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: New Year, New View

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: New Year, New View

ROCKWALL, TX (Jan. 16, 2023) It’s that time of year; The occasion that causes more division and argument than any other – the Season of Resolutions. To resolve or not to resolve – that is the question! Visit any social media platform, or begin to tell just about anyone anywhere what your take on the […]

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Narcissism and Flying Monkeys

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Narcissism and Flying Monkeys

ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 19, 2022)- Many of us have difficult people in our lives. Some of us have people who take the word difficult to an entirely new level. In this conversation, we are going to focus on the narcissists in our midst. I’ve learned more about this personality from a local Professional Counselor who is […]

Life lessons by Erin Kincaid: Muddling through somehow

Life lessons by Erin Kincaid: Muddling through somehow

ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 6, 2022) I have always wondered at the line, “…we have to muddle through somehow…” tucked so melodically into the timeless classic, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. How did such tragic prose find its way into one of our most beloved holiday carols? Then, a dear friend of mine sent out […]

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Holiday Spirit

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Holiday Spirit

ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 21, 2022) Attend a dinner or an outing with me this month and you will most assuredly be asked this question, “What makes the holidays the holidays for you?”  The anthropologist in me wants to know all about the traditions people hold dear, especially when they are people who are different from […]

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Spit it Out

Life Lessons by Erin Kincaid: Spit it Out

ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 11, 2022) You know that feeling when a song gets stuck in your head? The kind that loops endlessly latched onto one or two lines, and you cannot get it out of your mind? That is called rumination and it is what we do when we get stuck on an idea or fixated on […]

Introducing ‘Life Lessons’ by Erin Kincaid

Introducing ‘Life Lessons’ by Erin Kincaid

Tools to fill your toolbox for life ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 7, 2022) There almost isn’t a day that goes by where we don’t hear something about mental health. Whether we see an advertisement,  a video or meme on social media, receive a diagnosis or hear a news story about some horrific event, it seems we […]