Free webinar for making long-term care decisions coming on February 10

Free webinar for making long-term care decisions coming on February 10

Rockwall, TX (February 3, 2025) – Caring for a family member or friend can be rewarding at times. Still, it can also change direction quickly when it is evident that the current living situation is no longer appropriate for the safety of your family member or friend and everyone’s peace of mind. Hard conversations must […]

Guilt & Self-Care: free online event for caregivers by Meals on Wheels Senior Services and Agency on Aging

Guilt & Self-Care: free online event for caregivers by Meals on Wheels Senior Services and Agency on Aging

Rockwall, TX (September 3, 2024) – Caregiving comes with a complex set of emotions and one big one is guilt. Guilt occurs frequently because caregivers’ expectations are often unrealistic. This free session will explore what guilt is, its causes as well as how to cope better with guilt and the importance of self-care. Caregiving can […]

Resources for the Sandwich Generation: 12th Annual Rockwall Cares Caregiver Conference

Resources for the Sandwich Generation: 12th Annual Rockwall Cares Caregiver Conference

Rockwall, TX (August 1, 2024) – The sandwich generation is named so because it is effectively “sandwiched” between the obligation to care for their aging parents—who may be ill, unable to perform various tasks, or in need of financial support—and children, who require financial, physical, and emotional support. The demands of caring and making decisions […]

Rockwall Meals on Wheels and North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging to offer free, online Hospice 101 workshop

Rockwall Meals on Wheels and North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging to offer free, online Hospice 101 workshop

Rockwall, TX (August 24, 2023) – Hospice Care can paint a picture that is different for many. Is it confirmation of the end? Is it too soon? Is it a relief? Am I ready? Am I prepared? Do I really understand what Hospice means? Do my loved ones understand? Who can I talk to? A […]

Long Distance Caregiving: Practical tips from Rockwall Meals on Wheels

Long Distance Caregiving: Practical tips from Rockwall Meals on Wheels

ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 2, 2022) Caring for an ailing loved one from afar takes organization, planning, and teamwork. Here are both practical and emotional tips to help you be a successful long distance caregiver. Successful Long Distance Caregiving It starts with you and your perspective. Be Realistic! You will not be able to do everything, but […]

North Central Texas offers resources for people with Dementia and their family caregivers

North Central Texas offers resources for people with Dementia and their family caregivers

ROCKWALL, TX (Dec. 7, 2021) If you live in North Central Texas, care for someone who has dementia, and are not paid to be a caregiver, you may qualify for support services at no cost to you or your loved one. Here are a few organizations that provide support: Alzheimer’s Association provides information, education, and […]

Rockwall Meals on Wheels, Area Agency on Agency offer Caregiver Support Coordination

Rockwall Meals on Wheels, Area Agency on Agency offer Caregiver Support Coordination

ROCKWALL, TX (July 6, 2021) The North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging has a broad range of support services for family caregivers, including Caregiver Support Coordination, Respite Care, Caregiver Information Services, and Caregiver Counseling. To be eligible: The caregiver cannot be paid for his/her services; Either the caregiver or care receiver must live in […]

Rockwall Meals on Wheels, Area Agency on Aging offers helpful resource booklet

Rockwall Meals on Wheels, Area Agency on Aging offers helpful resource booklet

ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX (May 5, 2021) Meals on Wheels Senior Services offers a range of information and educational materials of tips and tools for family caregivers, information on agencies and organizations that provide caregiver support. Contacting MOWSS is the first step towards seeking support and maintaining a healthy balance between the caregivers own self-sufficiency and their […]

Rockwall Meals on Wheels, Area Agency on Aging offers tips, resources for maintaining healthy balance when caregiving

Rockwall Meals on Wheels, Area Agency on Aging offers tips, resources for maintaining healthy balance when caregiving

ROCKWALL, TX – March 2, 2021 – Meals on Wheels Senior Services offers a range of information and educational materials of tips and tools for family caregivers, information on agencies and organizations that provide caregiver support. Contacting MOWSS is the first step towards seeking support and maintaining a healthy balance between the caregivers own self-sufficiency and […]

Texas Silver-Haired Legislature candidates sought

Texas Silver-Haired Legislature candidates sought

  ROCKWALL, TX – Jan. 8, 20201 – Texas Silver-Haired Legislature is a non-partisan statewide body of dedicated persons (60 years of age and older) elected to draft proposed legislation on aging issues.  Legislative issues developed by the TSHL are presented for active consideration as bills to the Texas Legislature.  Silver-Haired Legislators are elected for […]