Rockwall Meals on Wheels, Area Agency on Aging offers tips, resources for maintaining healthy balance when caregiving

Rockwall Meals on Wheels, Area Agency on Aging offers tips, resources for maintaining healthy balance when caregiving

ROCKWALL, TX – March 2, 2021 – Meals on Wheels Senior Services offers a range of information and educational materials of tips and tools for family caregivers, information on agencies and organizations that provide caregiver support. Contacting MOWSS is the first step towards seeking support and maintaining a healthy balance between the caregivers own self-sufficiency and […]

Practical stress management tips for caregivers from Meals on Wheels Rockwall County

Practical stress management tips for caregivers from Meals on Wheels Rockwall County

ROCKWALL, TX – December 3, 2020 – Meals on Wheels Senior Services of Rockwall County offers a range of information and educational materials of tips and tools for family caregivers, information on agencies and organizations that provide caregiver support. Contacting MOWSS is the first step towards seeking support and maintaining a healthy balance between the […]

Tips and tools available for family caregivers through Rockwall County Meals on Wheels

Tips and tools available for family caregivers through Rockwall County Meals on Wheels

ROCKWALL, TX (September 10, 2020) Meals on Wheels Senior Services offers a range of information and educational materials of tips and tools for family caregivers, plus information on agencies and organizations that provide caregiver support. Contacting MOWSS is the first step towards seeking support and maintaining a healthy balance between the caregivers own self-sufficiency and […]

Support services available for family caregivers

Support services available for family caregivers

ROCKWALL, TX (August 13, 2020) Meals on Wheels Senior Services of Rockwall County is happy to share that The North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging has a broad range of support services available for family caregivers, including Caregiver Support Coordination, Respite Care, Caregiver Information Services, and Caregiver Counseling. The following are eligibility criteria. The […]

Lunch & Learn event to address caregiver, aging issues

(ROCKWALL, TX – June 19, 2015) The JER Chilton YMCA at Rockwall will host a Lunch & Learn event at noon Thursday, June 25. Rebecca Williams from the North Central Texas Counsel on Aging will discuss topics including “Stress Busters for Caregivers,” “A Matter of Balance,” “Diabetes Self-Management,” and “Chronic Disease Self-Management.” Sponsored by Dodie’s Cajun […]