‘Frequency of Death’ in living black-and-white

‘Frequency of Death’ in living black-and-white

Trade-secret makeup, special lighting, stylized acting combine to bring 1940’s B&W movies to life (Lewisville) Pegasus Theatre will present a new production of “The Frequency of Death,” a comedy murder-mystery presented in “Living Black & White,” Thursday through Sunday, Jan. 26-29, in the Black Box at the Medical Center of Lewisville Grand Theater. Evening shows […]

Help needed to serve lunch to Habitat volunteers

Help needed to serve lunch to Habitat volunteers

Rockwall Area Habitat for Humanity will begin construction on a new home on Ross Street on Saturday, Jan. 14. The Christian housing ministry, which relies on private donations and volunteer labor to build homes for families who might not otherwise afford one, is seeking help from groups interested in providing lunch for its volunteer workforce. If your group or […]

Sing along with Junie B. Jones at Eismann Center

(Richardson) Eisemann Center Presents Junie B. Jones at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 22. The Family Theatre Series production is filled with funny songs about Junie B. Jones and the experiences she has in first grade. Follow along as Junie writes everything down in her Top Secret Personal Beeswax Journal. Adapted from the series of books […]

Grits & Glamour with Lorrie Morgan, Pam Tillis

(Richardson) Eisemann Center Presents’ Lorrie Morgan & Pam Tillis’ Grits & Glamour Tour at 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14. These country legends get up close and personal, performing songs and sharing stories about their lives for an event that will entertain and inspire all audiences. Lorrie Morgan made her first appearance on the Grand Ole Opry […]

City of Heath honors staff, names Employee of the Year

City of Heath honors staff, names Employee of the Year

The City of Heath recently recognized employees for an outstanding performance in 2011. Among those was Tara Plexico who was named Employee of the Year. “Tara brings both experience and a can-do attitude to the job, and that means we can count her,” said City Manager Ed Thatcher. “Although she is an accountant, Tara is cross-trained to […]

Free gardening classes at Covington’s Nursery

Free gardening classes at Covington’s Nursery

(Rowlett) Covington’s Nursery and Landscape Company in Rowlett is bringing in the New Year by offering several free gardening classes. First up, learn the tricks of the trade to ensuring healthy plants in your landscape while saving time, money and water, through proper soil preparation. The soil preparation class is at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. […]

Angel tree benefits Heart for the Kids, Children’s Advocacy Center

Angel tree benefits Heart for the Kids, Children’s Advocacy Center

Six SUVs filled with donated toys, bikes at Honda of Burleson Honda of Burleson hosted an Adopt-an-Angel tree at the dealership off Interstate 35. More than 320 toys and several new bikes were donated to benefit Heart for the Kids and the Children’s Advocacy Center of Johnson County. “It was heart-warming to see the community’s response […]

Toys for Tots event at Harbor warm hearts, fills donation boxes

Toys for Tots event at Harbor warm hearts, fills donation boxes

The Rockwall community shared the spirit of giving this holiday season as Fox 4 News and Jack FM hosted a spirit-filled Toys for Tots event at The Harbor on Dec. 9. Residents lined up to drop off toys even before the official 5 p.m. start time. On hand to accept donations were members of the United States Marine Corps and countless […]